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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Spring is in the air

and Easter is on the way.  I spent last weekend decorating.  A bit premature but I am excited for the change of seasons.  I can't wait to feel the warmth of the sun light on my face!  I don't have a lot of Easter decor but here's what I did...

Practice makes perfect!

But practicing with shades on is even better.  My dear friend, Hunter's adopted Grandma, Helen bought Hunter a "treat" (which we parents affectionately refer to as a bribe) for being patient while we were shopping.  Shopping is soooooooo boring! But he saw this t-ball set that he had to have!  He says that he needed to have it so he could practice.  He is starting T-ball next month and he is so excited.  But I am not sure that playing T-ball is what has him so excited?  My money is on the cleats!  He HAD to have cleats to play ball.  So as every good (and gullible) Mommy does, I went and got him some.  Now he wants to wear them EVERYWHERE we go!  I remember I wanted to do the same thing when I got my first pair of cleats.  Wish us luck on our next endeavour!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


As many of you know Hunter comes up with the craziest antics.  Most of them make you laugh out loud but there are times he says things that even I can't believe...

So here is our conversation yesterday while getting ready for school.

Hunter: Mommy I think I want you to have a husband.
Me: Do you?  Why is that?
Hunter: Because you need someone to help you with the man stuff, and then you won't be alone when I am not here.
Me: Well honey that would be nice wouldn't it.
Hunter: Yea, so why don't you go get a husband?
Me:  Well when the right man comes along, and we fall in love then we can get married.  You do know that he would live with us right?
Hunter: Yea, I'm O.K. with that.

So thinking that was the end of the conversation, he all of the sudden had a sheer look of panic come across his face.

Hunter: Mommy, will I have to sell my Daddy?

Barely able to contain myself (but he was so serious I couldn't laugh)

Me: No sweetie your Daddy will be your Daddy forever.
Hunter: Good, because he's a really great Daddy...

But now that I think about it, I wonder how much his Daddy would go for? I could use some extra cash...

Okay, Just kidding...

It amazes me the unconditional love children have for their parents. I think that his Dad and I are pretty lucky to be loved so much...

Love notes to Mommy

This morning I asked Hunter to go into his bathroom and brush his teeth and I would be in to do his hair.  I walked in on him doing this... 

Now that is a recipe for a great day!  Precious little moments like these make the struggles worth it.
  I love my little man.


So I promised a picture of the AfterBATH on St. Patty's day....

This cute little Rock Star + a hair cut, soap and water



Friday, March 18, 2011

Lucky Me

I hope you all had a very Happy St. Patrick's Day!  Hunter and I had a lot of fun.  Of course the highlight of the day was "Green Mohawked Hair"  Hunter looks forward to it every year!  The Leprechaun's left kisses on Hunters cheek, however, I couldn't get a picture of it because he had it wiped off within seconds of making sure he got one.   Hunter's school had a magician come in and Hunter got to be his assistant.  He made things disappear and he made things appear, and for about 45 minutes I got to hear about it all.  So magical!  Of course we had green food and drinks, but I got dirty looks and lots of whining when I told Hunter that the rice crispy treats were for my work and not his class :(  Never you fear I snuck a few home for him.  Happy boy once again.  The highlight of my St. Patty's Day?????  Cutting off Hunter's MOP!  I promised him I wouldn't cut his hair until after the famous St. Patty's Day Mohawk, and believe me I didn't think I was going to make it! Gross.... Ahhh, at last we got home and I got to work!  He looks much better.  I forgot my camera but will post the picture of the AFTER BATH later!  You should have seen the state of Hunter's bath tub when we were finished!  YUCK! 
I hope you all had a great day, and are as LUCKY as I am :)

I'm so lucky to be a Mommy

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Spring time = Construction time

Hunter takes safety very seriously... All this gear just to build a bird feeder. He is adorable though isn't he. I had another invitation project that I committed to, and Hunter wanted to work on a project too. So he built and painted a spring bird feeder. I was so proud. He built it almost by himself. I only helped with the base because "it was too slippery for him to hammer :)" Funny boy...


Time for paint

Hunters Master Piece. It kept him busy while I made these beauties...

Aren't they cute? Monkey Boy baby shower invitations.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss

Hunter's class celebrated Dr. Seuss day, one of our favorite authors. Hunter got to bring his favorite Dr. Seuss book and a stuffed animal (Seuss related). It was a toss up between The Grinch who stole Christmas and One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish. He ultimately decided on One Fish, Two Fish. He just about has that book memorized. The story about the Wump is my favorite to listen to him recite... Too cute! Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss...

Finding Fossils

I got Hunter some dinosaur fossil eggs for Valentines day. This is him in deep concentration excavating his fossil (oh and making a muddy mess in my kitchen). On this particular day I was informed that Hunter was going o be a paleontologist when he grows up. Kudos for using such a big word bud!

Kristen & Hunter

Kristen & Hunter


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