Happy Valentines Day!
Valentines Day has never been one of my favorite holidays, however, I am discovering new meanings behind it, and new ways to celebrate.
My misconception... is that Valentines Day is a holiday to share with a lover. True. However, I really love the idea of utilizing this holiday to spread love to all of those people in my life from family, to old friends new friends, and to those who I meet today by chance. And most importantly teaching that example to my son.
Hunter had a crash course in giving and including everyone, even though he really didn't want to because someone isn't very nice to him. But with a smile at the end of the night, he packed up treat bags for every person and was so excited to hand them out today.
Here is what we did...so far!
Class room and neighbor treats!
A breakfast of love!
My sleepy Valentine... He couldn't get his eyes opened yet... I had just woken him up.
So until I find my very own Mr. Darcy, I will swoon over this one ( Oh Collin, thank you for being my consistent Valentine Back Up).
Ahhh.. So yummy!!!
To all of you and your lovers... Happy Valentines Day!