1st Day of 3rd Grade
I can not believe how excited Hunter was for school this year. I think he started counting down about 2 weeks before he started. I loved listening to him ask questions and wonder about everything there is to wonder about. He wanted so badly to be in a portable and I about fell over when he in fact was in a portable. He was so excited. The only down side, they don't have lockers in the portables. Other than that, He was trilled with everything from his class room to the teacher. Another year of learning and we are ready!
1st day of school breakfast choice: Waffles and Watermelon
Out the door, and ready to go... so handsome, and so grown up!
Shhhh.... Don't tell Hunter but, I broke the first very specific rule. DO NOT TAKE PICTURES AT SCHOOL!!! AT ALL MOM! I had to be sneaky so it's blurry, but there's my boy right in the front row.
I was a mean Mom, I made Hunter were some other shoes on the first day because, Hey, they looked better with the outfit. Here is the next big change in my boy... He actually had an opinion about his shoes. These are the COOLEST shoes ever! So Hunter says. (They look a little gangsta, but oh well)
They make him run faster and jump higher, (of course) and he loves them.
Isn't he cool?