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Monday, July 20, 2009

The Pirate Captain Underpants

First of all I sware my child has and wears clothing... It just so happens that he does the cutest things when he is clad only in his undies and t-shirt (sometimes no t-shirt)???

Hunter chose the theme for his 5 year birthday party almost right after his party ended last year. So he has been so geared up about his pirate birthday party. Hunter discovered a treasure chest that I had gotten for the party (yes, that is still several months away, I know), and it was on, Hunter is a pirate this week! Although he would want me to clarify, he is a good pirate captain with a silver metal hook, (the bad pirate captain has a gold hook). He has a sword but needed a hook so I made one with tinfoil and a plastic cup, and not to any one's surprise the thing that cost nothing is his favorite thing to play with. So the entire weekend and today he has worn the bandanna and eye patch and his hook, (he alternates the sword and telescope, he only has two hands don'tcha know?) Oh, and no pirate is a real pirate unless you are running up to strangers yelling Arrrg! And not that it is very glamorous, but I am the mommy pirate. I don't have a sword, or a hook, or even a telescope. My duties are to get snacks and give kisses... I can't complain, it's a pretty good gig...

A sentimental mess...

Okay so I am one of those mom's that panic when I lose sight of my kid at the playground, or when I watch him climb to the highest part of the jungle gym, or when he asks to go out side to play with the neighbor's. He is only testing his Independence but in the back of my mind I know the cruel course of time is working against me and my baby is growing up. I am also one of those mom's that is fully aware of how precious each moment is and all too often I get caught up in the "feel good songs" that are unfolding before my eyes.

Such is the moment that took my breath away a few nights ago. As I was finishing up the last story for the night I looked over and saw my exhausted little boy dreaming along side of me, and right away this song started playing in my mind... It wont be like this for long.... This verse in particular...

"He lays down there beside her ‘Til her eyes are finally closed And just watchin’ her it breaks his heart Cause he already knows It won’t be like this for long One day soon that little girl is gonna be All grown up and gone Yeah, this phase is gonna fly by So, he's tryin’ to hold on ‘Cause it won’t be like this for long"


So yes, I am one of those kinds of mom's, a sentimental mess... (but I love every moment of it!)

So helpful...I wish it would last forever!

I have such a sweet little boy!!! Hunter LOVES helping out and doing his chores. And he usually volunteer's to do so. I know, I know... (she says thorough her giggles) it won't be like this for long, but I will savor every moment of it that I can. Hunter has a chore chart that he can put stickers on as he completes his chores which for the most part he likes doing, however as he reminded me last week... "Mommy it's o.k. to have messes sometimes", and my favorite after asking him to pick up his toys he said "o.k. mommy, if you insist!" I just love him!

Well here is my little helper washing the dishes. He loves to use the dish scrubber so I always leave a few of the plastic dishes out of the dishwasher so he can wash em' up for me!

Kristen & Hunter

Kristen & Hunter


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