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Monday, July 20, 2009

The Pirate Captain Underpants

First of all I sware my child has and wears clothing... It just so happens that he does the cutest things when he is clad only in his undies and t-shirt (sometimes no t-shirt)???

Hunter chose the theme for his 5 year birthday party almost right after his party ended last year. So he has been so geared up about his pirate birthday party. Hunter discovered a treasure chest that I had gotten for the party (yes, that is still several months away, I know), and it was on, Hunter is a pirate this week! Although he would want me to clarify, he is a good pirate captain with a silver metal hook, (the bad pirate captain has a gold hook). He has a sword but needed a hook so I made one with tinfoil and a plastic cup, and not to any one's surprise the thing that cost nothing is his favorite thing to play with. So the entire weekend and today he has worn the bandanna and eye patch and his hook, (he alternates the sword and telescope, he only has two hands don'tcha know?) Oh, and no pirate is a real pirate unless you are running up to strangers yelling Arrrg! And not that it is very glamorous, but I am the mommy pirate. I don't have a sword, or a hook, or even a telescope. My duties are to get snacks and give kisses... I can't complain, it's a pretty good gig...

1 comment:

  1. LOL! Ahh I have not seen him forever. I miss your face!


Kristen & Hunter

Kristen & Hunter


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