Hunter rediscovered his new roller skates and hasn't wanted to stop since.
This is the problem that I have run into with his birthday being in December. He (and I) forget that he gets things that he can't use until summer.
So he was rooting around in his closet the other day, which he NEVER does because I only keep his clothes, shoes, board games and real big toys (Thomas Train set, and remote control dinosaur Spike) in there. Well, he saw them and wanted to try them out right then. So we got his gear on and we were off. He met our new neighbor Kirk, and they spent a few hours rollerskating, eating fruit snacks, and otter pops.
Despite a few falls, a sore shoulder, and a sore touche, Hunter had such a great time we had to go back out that evening and do it again.
Getting brave enough to roll down the hill...
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