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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Flash Light Scavenger Hunt

My dear sweet neighbor had major surgery and I received a desperate call for quiet. Her and her husband had reach the time where they had to make a decision. Sell their precious little monkeys to the zoo or beg their neighbor (who incidentally adores their monkey's) to play zoo keeper for a few hours. I graciously obliged :) I think they are adorable and Hunter loves to play with them. So I popped popcorn and mad hot cocoa with Halloween marshmallows. (Remember the Halloween marshmallow's now, because they play a significant roll at the end of the night). So pop corn popped and movie (Igor) playing. Kids are having a good time and hey... they brought a bag of their own candy too. Yay!!! 10 minutes into the movie "Mommy can we just eat the marshmallows? Sure !!!! (Side note: It is a school night, and now they are making marshmallow sandwiches) 20 minutes into the movie 1/2 the bag of marshmallows gone and the entire bag of candy gone. SUGAR RUSH in sues.... Brittney and Matthew are now chattering as fast as monkey's, Hunter "Shhhhh I can't hear the movie". Now their little bodies are no longer in their control and they DO NOT WANT TO SIT AND WATCH A MOVIE! 3 kids, 3 flash lights... I am golden. I suggest we have a flashlight scavenger hunt. Yay for me. The kids loved it and were running off the sugar high. After our cute neighbors went home Hunter seemed to be running out of steam. I chalked it up to the late evening, so I got him in the tub and he said his tummy didn't feel good, it's never felt like this before. He laid in the water for a minute popped up and said I think I have to go to the bathroom.... Ohhhh yuck! Pukey Boy!!! Nothing solidifies a great night like your head in a toilet :) and the recovery of most of the marshmallows :)


They are getting tired......

Hunter, Brittney and Matthew

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness!! No wonder they didn't want to come home! They had soooo much fun. And I really needed the break. Such a win win situation. How can I ever repay you. Thank you thank you for being such a great neighbor and friend to our family! We just love you guys!!


Kristen & Hunter

Kristen & Hunter


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