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Friday, April 22, 2011

Friday's Guilt Tip ~ #1

Alright my lovely working Mommies.  Here is my first tip for my new feature.

~Gratitude Journal~

If any of you journal or have journaled in the past you know that it can be an awesome release for things you need to get off of your chest.  I am a great believer in journaling for this reason.  However, when I was introduced to the Gratitude Journal I didn't realize how much of my journaling was negative, hurtful, sad and yes, depressing.  I can't believe that these are the things, the moments that I have decided to capture and remember forever??? 
Well, as I was out to lunch with a new dear friend and Co Worker, the adorable Kristal, we popped into a little boutique, and she picked up this adorable orange journal and asked if I had a Gratitude Journal?  I had never heard of that???  She explained and I had  to have it!  Now a little tid bit about the adorable Kristal!  She is pretty much AMAZZAZING!!! I am in awe of her every time we get to talk! See her blog here mamatoaydenandcaler.blogspot.com. A breath of fresh air is this girl.  So smart, beautiful, fabulous style and yes a super, single, working Mom (why is she single??? It baffles me too :))
Thank you Kristal for this wonderful tip!  You are a great Mom, and I celebrate you!

The way my gratitude Journal works...  Every day I take 3 GREAT things that happened in my day and I write a short one or two sentence description about each GREAT thing.  It only takes a moment and when I am done I am smiling.  I feel better about the good things, and I don't dwell on the bad as much.  It reminds me that I am doing good and it also makes me focus on doing "more" good every day!

Remember if you enjoy this feature and would like to contribue a tip, please email me at kimberlee2004@gmail.com 
Put Guilt Tip and your name in the subject line.

"She loved life and it loved her right back" celebrate her passion! ~ Compendium

Happy (Guilt Less) Friday! 

 The fabulous Kristal and her precious little people Ayden and Caler (p.s. Caler, (he's the littlest little one), works for the US Government! A-dorable)

 My Gratitude Journal

1 comment:

  1. I love it!!!! You are so creative and I just adore you! I absolutely love your Guilt Tips!!!


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