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Thursday, June 30, 2011

Birdie Heaven

Last night was filled with much drama.  Not just any drama, but Mama drama!  Cause of the drama... The nasty little birdie pictured above... 

I went out on my patio last night and when I turned around to come back in, there was a baby bird who decided that my patio would be a great spot for it's final resting place.  That little fighter hadn't quite departed for heaven, and let me tell you he was a lot a bit scary looking, I screamed and ran back inside.  Of course Hunter came running to see what was the matter and instantly started asking why, and how come, and Mommy you have to save it, it's just a baby, we can keep it in the bird house we made. I knew it wasn't going to make it, and would soon be flying to Heaven, but I couldn't leave it on my patio.  I thought I could be a man about it and take care of it, but I'm too much of a girl.  So what do I do...  I call the worlds BEST, most FANTASTIC, absolutely WONDERFUL, HELPFUL, AMA-ZA-ZING (do you get the picture) neighbors and plea for handy man Steve to help find a more appropriate resting place for the poor thing.  Of course he obliged.  And with the help of his two precious monkeys, Brittany and Matthew, he took care of it. Thank you Tami for answering the call of your crazy neighbor.  We love you Lence family. 

Oh yea, P.S. the only reason this post was slightly compassionate about said bird is because it was just a baby.  However,  these birds are nasty little creeps who make huge messes, nest in my dryer vent, and poop on EVERYTHING.  I wish they would all fly far away!!!!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Weekend fun!

Hunter and I were so busy this past weekend.  Okay, no one call DCFS on me, but I took Hunter miniature Golfing for the first time Friday night. I know, I know.  He didn't want to leave.  We played the whole course.  Although we got behind the most obnoxious children trapped in adult bodies, who for reasons unknown to me, thought it would be fun to put an element of difficulty to there game by not touching/standing on anything "green".  This is not very conducive to the game of golf, mini or otherwise, and the four of them had about 7, yes 7, groups stuck behind them while they scooted across bridges and climbed over obstacles and so on...  Why did I let this bother me so?  It was about 9,000 degrees outside. And they weren't teenagers or even in there early twenties... They had to be 27+ Arrrg!   But besides that SUPER FUN.  We can't wait to go again.  Saturday Hunter got to call the shots.  He wanted to stay in Jammie's all day, so we did (at least for half the day). I picked lunch and Hunter got to chose what we had for dinner.  His choice was my famous Chicken Enchiladas (oh and I snuck a hair cut in, Hunter wasn't real excited about that, but he looks marvelous).  Sunday we went swimming (FINALLY) and then we met up with Grandma Helen and Grandpa Phil to see Cars 2, which we loved,  and then we had an early dinner.  By the time we got home Hunter was asking if it was time for bed.  Well right before bed we snuck in some sparklers, happy, happy boy!  Phew... what a weekend!
Thanks Helen and Phil, we love you guys!!!

Hunter eating lunch right before his dreaded haircut!



Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Career oppertunity???

I was unable to give Hunter his graduation gift on Monday due to us partying the night away.  By the time we got home it was after nine and I didn't want to get him all wound up again.  So he opened it last night.

Here is a little back story on the reason I got him this gift... Hunter informed me that his chosen career is a Hunter.  He wants to hunt Deer, Elk oh excuse me, I mean BUCKS and birds.  His Kindergarten knowledge is sufficient for this chosen career path because all he has to know is how to shoot the animal in its vitals.  So what did the Mom of the year get him for his gift...  A hunting video game.  Okay so I had a moment of weakness, I knew that he would love it, and really I know that he has much greater potential for a career than just hunting.  I am hoping he'll play it so much he will realize how board he'd be hiking around chasing after Bambi's daddy.  I am surprised he is so into it, hunting I mean.  The only hunting he's been exposed to is my passion for bargain hunting at the local department stores :)   and with a fiery passion, he HATES that kind of hunting... 

Boys ???  They're so cute.

A happy boy... It was well worth it!

Class of 2011

I am proud to announce the newest Kindergarten Graduate!

Hunter graduated from Kindergarten on Monday.  It was a fantastic ceremony and I do not believe there was a dry eye in the room.  Little Learners Academy put on a wonderful end of year/Graduation program.  The kidlets were more than ready to be out of school for the summer, but they stuck in there and put on a fantastic show.  I am amazed at how much they learned and the skills they have developed.
Mrs. Drake, my hat goes off to you.  You have been amazing.  I am going to miss Little Learners Academy so much, it is run by the best staff of educators I have ever come across.  Miss Launa, you deserve so much more praise than you already get.  Your school is a dream land for education, and we love you!

First grade here I come! 

 Yes, this would be my child flipping his tassel over instead of using his hands.  p.s. he's  the blur in the middle.

 Miss Launa (Principal/Owner of LLA) WE LOVE HER!!!

 Mrs. Drake ~ The best Kindergarten teacher.

 Celebration dinner at the Old Spaghetti Factory with Grandpa Phil and Grandma Helen

 Proud Mama

 Hunter with his "Special" Graduation drink

 And Ice Cream... Lucky boy!

Congratulations Graduate!  I am so proud of you...

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Lagoon ~ It's what fun is!

Baby Olivia is back and she brought her Mommy, Elizabeth, too.

Our dear friends came to Utah to visit Grandma and we were lucky enough to spend the day at Lagoon with them.  There was lots to do and see, and wait... COTTON CANDY! You can't ask for anything more.
Hunter was a lot of fun this year he was just about tall enough to ride all of the rides and let me say my little adrenaline junkie had NO fear!  He wanted to ride the rides I was scared of.  We tried to ride every ride and it turns out that last years bummer ride turned out to be Hunter's favorite ride of all.  With his hands up no less...  The White Wooden Roller Coaster.
Yes my heart drops into my chest just typing that.
I will never forget this day we had so much fun, and we can't wait to go back!

Thanks to Elizabeth, Helen, Phil and Baby Olivia for a special day!

Hunter and Olivia

Yup, that's my boy, in the very front!!!

Taking Olivia for a ride on Dumbo

Mommy and Hunter on the Tidal Wave...

Phil and Hunter at the end of the day...

T Ball Wrap Up!

Let's hear it for the COLDEST Baseball season EVER!

Poor kids, poor parents what a miserable season, but more fun than we could have asked for.  Hunter had a great season and picked up on things so quickly.  I can't wait for next season.  Here are some candid spics of the last few games....

I'm so proud of my Grand Slammer!

Kristen & Hunter

Kristen & Hunter


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