Last night was filled with much drama. Not just any drama, but Mama drama! Cause of the drama... The nasty little birdie pictured above...
I went out on my patio last night and when I turned around to come back in, there was a baby bird who decided that my patio would be a great spot for it's final resting place. That little fighter hadn't quite departed for heaven, and let me tell you he was a lot a bit scary looking, I screamed and ran back inside. Of course Hunter came running to see what was the matter and instantly started asking why, and how come, and Mommy you have to save it, it's just a baby, we can keep it in the bird house we made. I knew it wasn't going to make it, and would soon be flying to Heaven, but I couldn't leave it on my patio. I thought I could be a man about it and take care of it, but I'm too much of a girl. So what do I do... I call the worlds BEST, most FANTASTIC, absolutely WONDERFUL, HELPFUL, AMA-ZA-ZING (do you get the picture) neighbors and plea for handy man Steve to help find a more appropriate resting place for the poor thing. Of course he obliged. And with the help of his two precious monkeys, Brittany and Matthew, he took care of it. Thank you Tami for answering the call of your crazy neighbor. We love you Lence family.
Oh yea, P.S. the only reason this post was slightly compassionate about said bird is because it was just a baby. However, these birds are nasty little creeps who make huge messes, nest in my dryer vent, and poop on EVERYTHING. I wish they would all fly far away!!!!