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Friday, June 3, 2011

Friday's Guilt Tip ~ #4

~Baking & Cooking~

Hunter has always enjoyed baking and cooking with me, he's been doing it ever since he was a wee little nipper. 

I find that this is a wonderful way to reconnect with your child at the end of a long day apart.  It's kind of killing two birds with one stone.  Most nights I am super pressed for time, with homework to help with, dinner, laundry, Tball, and the list goes on and on!  But no matter what, dinner needs to be prepared and there is usually something for little ones of all ages to help with.  From pouring in the seasonings, water, oil to cracking eggs and browning hamburger.  You will be peppered with giggles and teaching life long skills.  But most of all it is the memories that you get to take for yourself and give to your children.

 Baking is especially fun because of the flour....  At the end of all our baking experiences I have a disastrous kitchen and a little white monster I like to call Hunter.  I find that Hunter also opens up and becomes a lot more communicative when he is helping me cook.  This is what works the best for me when Hunter's behavior is, well, something to be desired and I need a lot more than "What is bothering you"? 

Don't forget to steal an extra kiss, say an extra I love you, and squeeze them a little harder when getting that hug.

Happy Guilt-less Friday!

1 comment:

  1. That's so cute, I love all the different pictures of Hunter cooking and baking with you. Tatum loves helping to, he is still small but he likes to crack the eggs and try and mix or stir whatever I'm making. And of coarse he is always willing to taste test. We have a kitchen set and dishes for him in the kitchen so whenever he can't help he mixing stuff in his bowl or plays with his fridge. It's so much fun. Love you guys, she you in less then a month.


Kristen & Hunter

Kristen & Hunter


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