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Monday, September 12, 2011

"Bear" Bottoms and Yellowstone

I took Hunter on a End of Summer trip to Bear World and Yellowstone.
He loved every part of it and said the trip was too short.  He got to do a lot of things that he has been anxious to do for some time. 
1. See a big Daddy Elk
2. See real live Bears
3. Woodland animal spotting
and the biggie... Learn to jump into the pool and go underwater with NO WATER WINGS and as a bonus he mustered up enough courage to swim underwater with no water wings.  I'm so proud and so is he.

It was perfect weather and everything went very smoothly.  However I didn't get to go souvenir shopping.  What is it with boys and their intense hatred for shopping???

And for some reason I could only get pictures of the Bear's bums????  I'll keep the details short because Lord know I posted enough pictures.  Enjoy, there are a lot of them.

1 comment:

  1. YAY!! I saw the picture of Hunter jumping into the pool! Way to go buddy!!!


Kristen & Hunter

Kristen & Hunter


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