January 2016

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Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Breaking news everyone.... Hunter lost his first baby tooth last night eating dinner. He came running up to me screeching. "I thought that I was biting into something hard in my taco, but it was my TOOTH! I'm so excited Mommy". I saw the blood drooling down his chin and wasn't sure if that would freak him out so I grabbed a cup of cold water and before he could rinse he saw the blood but was okay with it. "Wow that's a lot of blood". After he rinsed all was good and I have one excited little boy. Another milestone for Hunter, and one less piece of "baby" for Mom.


  1. Aww, way to go Hunter but sad for you, I don't want Tatum to ever lose his baby teeth. :-)

  2. It's all downhill from here for the Mamas....lol! They grow up SO fast hun! Way to be so tough cute lil Hunter! You will have to show Matthew and Britney :)


Kristen & Hunter

Kristen & Hunter


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