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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Back 2 School Party 4 Smarties

Fun, Fun, Fun in the Hot, Hot, Sun!

A couple of my girlfriends and I put on our "first annual" Back 2 School Party 4 Smarties!

this was such a fun distraction from back to school anxieties for the kids.  I think they all needed a little fun and crazy before heading back to school.  The girls and I, Kristal and Tami, wanted to make this real special for the kids, so I made some cute invitations for each of them.  The week before the Mom's and kids decorated "all about me" crowns with pictures and stickers that reflected each child's personality and likes.

The day of the party was completely chaotic... naturally. But it all came together in the end and we had a fantastic time.  Hey, how can you not have fun when everyone who is invited is the guest of honor?

the Mom's packed sack lunches for the kids (parents had brats and hot dogs) delicious fruit, and plenty of snacks and sweets to go along with it!  After we ate lunch the kids played while Mr. and Mrs. Lence put up all the clues for the treasure hunt they put together (brilliant by the way).  Rounding up the kids to start the hunt was a bit of a challenge...  They were extremely hot and getting a wee bit ornery by now.   But they made it through the hunt and got their prizes, new back packs full of school supplies and other goodies!  They were so excited.  I had a lot of fun planning this party with such great friends.  I can't wait to do it again next year!!!!
Thank you Tami and Kristal, I love ya! 

My cute invites

My big First Grader

 Sweet Britney & Matthew

 All the cute kiddos - Britney, Matthew, "Little" Caler, Ayden and Hunter

 Mama Kristal and her babies, Ayden and Caler

The kids eating their sack lunches

My sweaty boy in his crown and chocolate pudding on his face ~ precious!

 Ayden reading a treasure hunt clue.

 Hunters Clue

 Little Caler's clue


 My poor boy, I swear he was a millisecond away from heat stroke, but still manages a smile for Mom.

 The "Book Worms" I made out of fruit by the foot and rice crispies, cute and delicious!

 Adorable Back to School cupcakes Kristal made

 Carrot Sticks and Dip
 Tami's yummy fruit plate and my dirt pudding flower pots ~What a melty mess they ended up being! But the kids loved them.
 Hunter's "All about me" crown

1 comment:

  1. That was fun!! It was such a great thing for my Britney! I can't thank you enough for thinking of this. My child and I just adore you!! Thank you thank you!! Even though we may all had mild heat stroke it was certainly fun!!


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