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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Take me out to the ball game....

Hunter and I had such a fun weekend!  Nothing says summer time like a baseball game. 
Hunter and I and some of our favorite friends Kristal, Ayden and Caler all went to the Bee's game.
Like anything, you never can tell if kids are going to like something or not, but I do believe all fore mentioned little boys loved the ball game, at least the atmosphere.

The boys got to get their books signed by the players, they sipped and spilled sodas and even had peanuts and cracker jacks.  Okay, so they didn't have cracker jacks, but they did get cotton candy and sunflower seeds.  They were even swapping snacks with the little boys behind us.  Could it have been more fun?

Thank you Kristal, Ayden and Caler for joining us, and making it such a fun and memorable time.  We love you guys :)

So funny little side note...

Tradition meets Ttechnology

Did you ever think there would come a day when you were at a baseball game, and you would have to warn the guy in front of you that there were three little boys behind him with soda and peanut shells, and that it might be a good idea to move the laptop he had stashed under the seat?

 Hunter & Caler

Ayden, Caler & Kristal

Oh and here is that sweet little Ayden, I just love this kid to pieces!

Kristal & the boys...  What a luck girl

Waiting to get autographs

Eating peanuts & Spit seeds (sunflower seeds)

 Awww  Caler and his Mama

 Oh by the way the Bee's won!  Yay!!!!!!!!!!!

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